
Welp… it’s week four of the One Room Challenge and I’m officially really freaking behind. In my defense, I wasn’t really prepared to do the challenge at this point given I was traveling the first week, I had a big Black Friday launch for work, and a Halloween party to decorate for and execute on my own. Now that the dust has settled on the party and my house is an absolute wreck I realize how far behind I am on the guest room project. #nodaysoffnovember

Since I don’t have much progress to share, I’m going to run you through every single thing I have to do and my plan to do it.

  1. Remove blinds & everything else from the room including wall plates & thermostat.

  2. Remove baseboard and use as template for new taller baseboard (these were scribed to fit the floor).

  3. Install new baseboard.

  4. Install paneled ceiling & faux beams. Not excited about the math on this part.

  5. Fill holes, sand & caulk anything that needs to be repaired.

  6. Paint trim, doors, baseboard heater & closet.

  7. Paint walls.

Now given that I work a full time job, I don’t own some of the tools required and there’s some wait times between each step, I’ve assembled a list of other things that need to be done so that I can keep this project moving in the mean time.

  • Strip, stain, & seal bedframe

  • Repair & paint nightstands

  • Paint new lamps

  • Rub n’ Buff curtain rods

  • Trim bamboo blinds

  • Paint art mats & picture frames

  • Order: overhead light, smart bulbs, bedding, curtains & curtain hardware

  • Source: ottomans & artwork

I’m going to need to borrow some tool from my step dad to do this job:

  • Jig saw

  • Table saw

  • Battery operated finish nailer

To accomplish all this I’m going to need to get in the habit of waking up early and getting a decent nights rest.

Renna Muhieddin